A F.F. of Limburg club-activity on August 27th 2021.
We came together for a walk at the pub/restaurant "De Horne"at 5 p.m. . Before that, our clubmembers Raf and Josiane treated us to a glas of lovely cava and some fingerfood. Then a nice 5 mile walk in the bucolisch surroundings of the Hesbaye village of Vechmaal. We admired the beautiful castle of "Heks" . It dates back to 1770 and thanks to Raf we could even walk through the park of the castle. We were lucky with the weather. The rain waited till we were inside the restaurant.
Some photos of this activity. Click on the first photo to enlarge.
The F.F. of Limburg general meeting on November 28th.
30 members of the F.F. of Limburg and "Covid" met in the restaurant "Dine 'n Ice" for a brunch. Under the guidance of our club president, we first went over the past exchanges and the coming activities of 2022 (of course "Covid" will decide if the activities will take place or not!)). We ended this activity in a fine and relaxing atmosphere and sang "It's great to be a Belgian". That song can be found on internet. Click here on Belgian. You will learn more about our habits!
Some photos of this activity. Click on the first photo to enlarge.